Full version

School Plan Management Software
Use School eLCs
Full version:-
Includes:- features of the Free and Lite versions plus:-
Short, Medium and Long Term Planning, WordBase, Graphics and Presentation facilities. Data includes the National Curriculum, Literacy and Numeracy frameworks, Science, ICT, DTech, Geog, Hist, Music, Art, PE, RE and PSHE schemes of work.
The 'Graphics' module has auto-relation capabilites to Long, Medium or Short Term Plans and enables for example DfES coloured graphics to be directly presented to the Class/Set using projector, data tablet & 'overhead', or may be used to create transparencies for standard 'overhead' projector use.
Integrated pupil Attendance and Attainment plus absence categorisation, benchmarking, School data and graph drawing facilities. Pupil information is automatically associated with your Short Term plan subject set/group. Pupil photograph and personal details including FSM and EAL may be entered. National Curriculum - QCA level descriptions automatically appear whilst editing each pupil's attainment target level. These records facilitate target setting, benchmarking and can provide objective evidence to support your 'Threshold' and 'Performance Management' submission and review.
The data integrates seamlessly with the Pupil Report Management software, these features also included in the Complete version. The 'School Data' window enables customisation of subject headings and report output including the addition of logos.
Pupil data, which covers pupil personal details & Unique Pupil Numbers, attainment / attendance analysis (including lunch payment), retention for examples of each pupil's text/graphical work (includes graphical compression compatible with most digital cameras), emergency / medical / general details, and has data edit / security arrangements (particularly relevant on the Network/Intranet versions) enabling differing edit capabilities with an auditable trail.
Also Staff data, an independent database covering all relevant aspects accessed in ten sub groupings. All inclusive single license Price £65. Download and Order Links
Multiple license/volume discounts/USD prices are available.
Have you considered an upgrade to the Complete version or trying Pupil Report Management?

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